Bug & Princess

Kids Links:
Noah Birth
Jaidyn's Birth
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Family Links

About Noah:
Born: 8-10-98
Age: 7 years
Likes: reading, catching bugs, playing outside, riding his bike.
Dislikes: losing, being teased
Newest Things:
' Lost 2 teth in July!, Learned to rde bike without training wheels

About Jaidyn:
Born: 1-31-01
Age: 4 years
Likes: Catching Bugs, Playing Outside, Dora, Playing with Dolls Dislikes: most foods (unless its junk), not being able to do everything her brother does.
Newest Things:
Helping with Chase & Hailey, Takes showers by herself

Upcoming Things:
Noah's Bday
Noah's 1st Day School (8-11)
Jaid's 1st Day School (8-17)

2003-02-09 ~ 9:39 p.m.


I figured since I was doing my pregnancy journal and will more then likely keep up with the journal as Nibblet's baby journal I should make one for my older children as well! :) Noah, my sweet 4.5 year old. My oldest. WOW he has really grown so much over the last 4.5 years. Its so hard to believe that he was once my tiny precious baby, and now he is my little boy. Its amazing. He is so smart, cute, sweet, & imagentive that it amazes me. He still looks just like his daddy, actually he looks more and more like him as he gets older. Jaidyn, my darling 2 year old. My baby girl. Its hard to beleive that in about 5 months she will be a big sister. She will no longer be my little baby, but my big girl. In a way that makes me sad. I love my princess being little so much! Though boy has she grown in the last 2 years! She didn't walk or get her first tooth until 12 months old, but now at 2 you would never know it! She has all her teeth but one, and gets into everything! She climbs anything and everything! She looks more like me, but still has her daddy's eyes. She is active, busy, sweet, and loves to sing songs. WOW my baby is getting so big! Together over the last two years they have learned to love each other, help each other, and of course get mad at each other. The love between siblings is an amazing thing to watch grow and build between them! In 5 months my children will be adding in another sibling into their little group. I can't wait to see how that goes! :)

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