Bug & Princess

Kids Links:
Noah Birth
Jaidyn's Birth
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Family Links

About Noah:
Born: 8-10-98
Age: 7 years
Likes: reading, catching bugs, playing outside, riding his bike.
Dislikes: losing, being teased
Newest Things:
' Lost 2 teth in July!, Learned to rde bike without training wheels

About Jaidyn:
Born: 1-31-01
Age: 4 years
Likes: Catching Bugs, Playing Outside, Dora, Playing with Dolls Dislikes: most foods (unless its junk), not being able to do everything her brother does.
Newest Things:
Helping with Chase & Hailey, Takes showers by herself

Upcoming Things:
Noah's Bday
Noah's 1st Day School (8-11)
Jaid's 1st Day School (8-17)

2003-10-20 ~ 8:08 p.m.

these two

Its been a long long long day with these two kiddos.

Jaidyn was into things ALL day long! I love her to pieces but dang sometimes I wish she was calmer and not quite so spirted. Of course then she wouldn't be my Jaidyn would she??

Noah got home from school and within aout 10 minutes of getting into the house he starred fighting with Jaidyn.

WIthin 20 minutes they were crying and screaming at each other. Thankfully at 4 CLay came over and asked if Noah could play so he went out. A bit later I took Jaidyn out too and then at 5 Brian got home (an hour later then normal I will add) and he played outside with the kids.

They were great outside!

Anyway Noah and I did his reading, but he wasn't really into trying tonight so it was pretty much worthless to even try... sigh...

Anyway so they are both good, just both love to try me with all they have at all times! :)

I wouldn't change Jaidyn's spirteness. Its part of what I LOVE about her, but sometimes its hard to handle. I believe in their own way each of my children are spirted. Noah and his fits, JAidyn and her active into everything independant self, and Chase, well I just don't know with him yet! :)

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