Bug & Princess

Kids Links:
Noah Birth
Jaidyn's Birth
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Family Links

About Noah:
Born: 8-10-98
Age: 7 years
Likes: reading, catching bugs, playing outside, riding his bike.
Dislikes: losing, being teased
Newest Things:
' Lost 2 teth in July!, Learned to rde bike without training wheels

About Jaidyn:
Born: 1-31-01
Age: 4 years
Likes: Catching Bugs, Playing Outside, Dora, Playing with Dolls Dislikes: most foods (unless its junk), not being able to do everything her brother does.
Newest Things:
Helping with Chase & Hailey, Takes showers by herself

Upcoming Things:
Noah's Bday
Noah's 1st Day School (8-11)
Jaid's 1st Day School (8-17)

2003-12-26 ~ 10:03 a.m.

christmas stuff

My kiddos had a great chrismtas. We didn't buy them near as much this year as we normal do but I think they are okay with that! :)

I already mentioned the gifts they got before chrismtas in one of my last entries.

so I will skip those ones and just tell you about chrismtas eve and christmas:

christmas eve:

from my mom:

Jaidyn: an easeal thingy

Noah: a GI JOE army man

from my sister:

Jaidyn: carebear car playset

Noah: GI Joe amry set

Chrismtas morning:

Jaidyn: a big wagon, a big yellow carebear, a orange normal sized carebear, a pink baby carebear, a hello kitty doll, little people doll house and a clifford puzzle. She also got bead neclases with bracelents and rings and a small blue carebear.

Noah: the gamecube, an extra controller for it, 4 games for it, a football and an army man set. He also got yu gi oh cards, marbles, and a hotwheels car

He doesn't seem like he got as much but his was way more expensive!!

at brian's dads side of the family thing:

Noah: some catch thingy

Jaidyn: a game

from my dad and his wife:

Noah: nemo sheets

Jaidyn: princess sheets

They still have chrismtas with brian's mom and his sister and borther and their familys tomororw!!

we should be going home tomorrow evening too!!

jaidyn is feeling better whicg is good!!

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