Bug & Princess

Kids Links:
Noah Birth
Jaidyn's Birth
Leave a Note

Family Links

About Noah:
Born: 8-10-98
Age: 7 years
Likes: reading, catching bugs, playing outside, riding his bike.
Dislikes: losing, being teased
Newest Things:
' Lost 2 teth in July!, Learned to rde bike without training wheels

About Jaidyn:
Born: 1-31-01
Age: 4 years
Likes: Catching Bugs, Playing Outside, Dora, Playing with Dolls Dislikes: most foods (unless its junk), not being able to do everything her brother does.
Newest Things:
Helping with Chase & Hailey, Takes showers by herself

Upcoming Things:
Noah's Bday
Noah's 1st Day School (8-11)
Jaid's 1st Day School (8-17)

2004-08-30 ~ 4:37 p.m.

Updates on 1st days

Udates on their first days!!


Cried at first but within 10 minutes she was doing just fine! She told me they sang songs, colored, wrote, played, read stories. She just had a good time. She didn't want to leave when we picked her up! Silly Girl!! She is ready to go back tomorrow! YAY

She also left her backpack there on accident! lol I should have known that would happen! Nothing in it except a change of clothes just incase she has a rare accident or something!!


When we picked up Jaidyn I saw Noah playing on the playground with another little boy so I felt much much better because I knew he was playing and such. He said he had a good day. He went to music, art and told the class about himself. He won't tell me much about his day. He never does. But he said he would go back tomorrow and that of course is good! lol

Today is the first day since the summer started that the kids haven't been all together all day long. They did okay but they are all playing good together again now! They missed each other!

Anyway we made it through another first day. 4 more days to go this week! :)

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