Bug & Princess

Kids Links:
Noah Birth
Jaidyn's Birth
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About Noah:
Born: 8-10-98
Age: 7 years
Likes: reading, catching bugs, playing outside, riding his bike.
Dislikes: losing, being teased
Newest Things:
' Lost 2 teth in July!, Learned to rde bike without training wheels

About Jaidyn:
Born: 1-31-01
Age: 4 years
Likes: Catching Bugs, Playing Outside, Dora, Playing with Dolls Dislikes: most foods (unless its junk), not being able to do everything her brother does.
Newest Things:
Helping with Chase & Hailey, Takes showers by herself

Upcoming Things:
Noah's Bday
Noah's 1st Day School (8-11)
Jaid's 1st Day School (8-17)

2005-11-04 ~ 12:46 p.m.

Soccer, school & more

Kids loved halloween!

Noah said school is boring on halloween because they don't do anything fun or exciting at school for it! lol

Jaidyn's class didn't either, but one of the parents made this awesome pumpkin maginets for each of the kids in the class. They are made out of wood and have a picture of the child on them. I will tak e apic later and share it with you~

They loved trick or treating. The ninja and the princess.

Noah had a melt down the day after and ended up having to do an extra chore for the day. he hates that & it really seems to help keep him in line.

I can not believe he is 7. He is getting so old. Not old old but you know what I mean. He is missing soccer this weekend so we can go camping, and next saturday is our last game! :) He will play again in the spring on the same team with the same kids, so that is neat.

Reports go out on the 10th. Next week that is right? awesome. can't wait to see how he did this 6 weeks. His grades have been great on the papers he brings home of course.

What is kind of neat is when I drop him off lately I always see other kids walk up to him and they walk into the school together laughing and talking. It makes me relize just how big he is getting.

He loves to draw this days! Its all he ever wants to do! lol

Jaidyn is doing great in school too. She writes her name very well now. I am- impressed. She is always talking about her friends "Lane, Makenzie & Alaura"

THough on tuesday the nurse called me to come get her because she was crying and crying and crying and wouldn't stop. Found out later she accidently got ran into and for some reason she just started crying and wouldn't stop.

But we talked to her about it all and how she should tell the teacher what happened etc. She was fine after that.

She has been hyper here lately when I take her to school She loves it!

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